Review: The Ice Angel by Misha Herwin

This is a cracker of a story. Letty remains my favourite character, but Hepzibah is a faithful friend, and there is a gallery of grotesques and gargoyles, from the creepy Mr Murkstone with his hair pomade to the sinister Captain Novotny of the ship Vareena, and the mysterious coach driver Homunculus Ridden, who only appears in times of need.

Bunch Courtney Investigations And More! #bunchcourtney #ww2crime #crimefiction #cosycrime #historicalfiction #bookevents

News from Jan Edwards, who will be at the Birmingham Book Signing Event on 15th July at the Council House, Birmingham. Now read on…

Jan Edwards

Some of you will already be aware that I shall be at the Birmingham Book Signing Event  on 15th July at the Council House, Birmingham.  In addition to appearing on panels I shall – as the event title suggests – be signing my books!

What shall I have there to be purchased and signed? Obviously my Bunch Courtney Investigations!

Winter Downs: Bunch Courtney Investigations #1 When Bunch Courtney is riding across the South Downs the last thing she expects to stumble upon is the body of her friend Jonathan Frampton. The shotgun at his feet speaks of suicide but Bunch is not convinced.  – In the winter of 1940 a tiny rural community on the Sussex Downs, already preparing for invasion, finds itself deep in the grip of a snowy landscape with an ice-cold killer on the loose.

Winner of the Arnold Bennett Book Prize!

In Her Defence…

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The World of Letty Parker

Misha Herwin writes about the world of Letty Parker, and keeping track of the characters and details of a rich imaginary world…

Misha Herwin


When you’re about to write the last book in a six book series you have a pretty good idea of the world in which your characters live.

Letty Parker and her associates are part of the rich fabric of an alternative Bristol. Set in the time of Sarah Guppy and Isambard Kingdom Brunel, I’ve done my best to give it an authentic Victorian flavour. Getting the details of Victorian life is easy. If I don’t already know I can google what I need to find out. I also know my main characters pretty well. I have what they look like, their histories and their likes and dislikes fixed in my mind.

It’s the minor characters, the people that only appear once or twice in the series, who are the problem.

To solve this I followed the advice of friend and fellow author, Jan Edwards and made a chart. Labelled “The…

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One for All and All for One

Misha Herwin celebrates the support of writer friends, as Jan Edwards prepares to release In Cases of Murder

Misha Herwin


Writing can be a lonely job. You sit at a desk, café table, laptop and work. Interruptions are distractions, chat is not welcomed as it can break the flow. Hours can go past without seeing anyone.

All that can be great for productivity, on the other hand humans need other people. We all want to be acknowledged and valued and if you are in the process of creating then there are times when you definitely need support and reassurance that what you are doing isn’t really a complete waste of time and effort.

Family and friends can’t really fulfil this role, what you need is someone who knows what you’re going through. That is where other writers are a lifeline.

For as long as I’ve been writing and publishing one of the things that has struck me is how supportive the writing community is of each other. It doesn’t…

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Lily Kendall – In Cases of Murder #crimefiction #writing #HistoryWritersDay22 @Mishaherwin @Rasumova @Bookstocover @BoBookPublicity @Penkhullpress

Jan Edwards on the historical background for In Cases of Murder and London’s female gangsters!

Jan Edwards

Lilian Rose Kendall photoThe fun part about writing historical fiction, be that for crime or romance or any other market, is the chance to weave forgotten snippets and people into your protag’s world.

The setting for In Cases of Murder is the wartime era of the 1940s, so including the obvious icons of the era such as Churchill or Chamberlain is something of a given. It would be hard to avoid them if you wanted to build a believable backdrop for your story.

Knowing lesser names of the period can add that extra layer.

In Cases of Murder takes Bunch and Wright into South London, and while researching 1930s and 40s London crime  I came across the infamous female Forty Thieves – allied by blood to the male dominated Elephant gang (after the area around Elephant and Castle). Though the gang’s roots stem from the Regency period the Forty Thieves’ heyday was the…

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Historical Writers day on twitter #HistoryWritersDay22 – just in time for “In Cases of Murder” @BoBookPublicity @JillBookCafe @MishaHerwin @…

I never know about these things until they are whooshing past – but I gather today is all about Historical Writers day on twitter!  I shall try to …Historical Writers day on twitter #HistoryWritersDay22 – just in time for “In Cases of Murder” @BoBookPublicity @JillBookCafe @MishaHerwin @…

A Gathering of Gargoyles by Misha Herwin review (The Adventures of Letty Parker, Book 5)

A captivating story of mystery, magic and skulduggery  Letty Parker is growing up. Her first loves are still her friends: her loyal gang, Hepzibah, Mango and Jeb (Jebediah Hughes); her detective agency; and the city of Bristol itself, vibrant, grimy and fizzing with magic. But Letty is also torn between her feelings for two young… Continue reading A Gathering of Gargoyles by Misha Herwin review (The Adventures of Letty Parker, Book 5)