Review: The Ice Angel by Misha Herwin

This is a cracker of a story. Letty remains my favourite character, but Hepzibah is a faithful friend, and there is a gallery of grotesques and gargoyles, from the creepy Mr Murkstone with his hair pomade to the sinister Captain Novotny of the ship Vareena, and the mysterious coach driver Homunculus Ridden, who only appears in times of need.


Is the site of a famous asteroid/meteorite airburst, though some people think it was aUFO crash. The local people attributed it to shamans fighting. And there's an X Files episode with the same name. It is now the working title of my next book, which probably won't be called that because Tunguska is a real… Continue reading Tunguska

Seen and Not Heard: Joanne Hall

Seen and Not Heard: Joanne Hall on Nobody Knew She Was There This week's guest on Nobody Knew She was There, hosted by Fantasy writer Sarah Ash, is Joanne Hall, writer and editor. Here's a taster: Little girls, it’s said, should be seen and not heard. I confess, I’ve been looking back through this awesome… Continue reading Seen and Not Heard: Joanne Hall

Guest Blog for Nobody Knew She Was There by Freda Warrington. – Sarah Ash – Fantasy Author

Nobody Knew She Was There… This week's contributor on Sarah Ash's new guest blog is Freda Warrington, writing on "The Le Guin Equation". Funny and passionately argued. There’s been much discussion lately about the visibility, or should that be the invisibility, of women writers within the SFF genre. Well, with millions of titles now on… Continue reading Guest Blog for Nobody Knew She Was There by Freda Warrington. – Sarah Ash – Fantasy Author

Nobody Knew She Was There…a new blog

"Female Fantasy and Science Fiction writers share their thoughts on the state of the SFF genre today…and what’s most important to them when they pick up their pens."